Then this....
And now this....
And of course, we have the 24-hour cartoon network with cartoons such as.....
Gays must not be allowed to adopt children.
Gays must not be allowed to teach in schools.
Gays must not be allowed to love.
Gays are evil!
Kill the gays!
Homosexuality is an abomination!
Such hate.
What did we do to deserve this?
Why are people threatened by us?
Religion has, to a large extent, fired this condemnation of homosexuals and homosexuality but are these “guardians of morality” leading their lives strictly by the scriptures themselves? Besides, is this a really savvy way to uphold their religious beliefs through... hate and anger? Really poor marketing, guys! I bet your God up there is wincing and squirming over it too. I thought religion was all about love and peace but the actions of its ambassadors speak to the contrary.
They want to “protect” marriage. Protect?
And it begins with depriving us? Really? Seriously?
The institution of marriage has been reduced to a joke and it is not our handiwork. Look around. It is reduced to a caricature.
Marriage is between a man and a woman who divorce and marry again and again and again and again. And if you are lucky enough to be Brittany Spears, you can get married for a few hours just for kicks. Went out, got drunk, got married and the nuptials were annulled the next morning.
Is the right to get married truly sacred to those who enjoy it?
(Hey, the esteemed Tiger Woods and Company, feel free to chime in here anytime.)
Do they even cherish it?
According to the recent census, 3.8 million “married” couples live apart and lead separate lives and even date separately, thereby enjoying “open relationships”. ( Is that okay according to the scriptures? What does the Bible say about these 3.8 million Americans whose “legal marriage” is recognized by the Church, State and Federal governments?
Given the right, the gays might bring some meaning and substance to it, quite like we gentrify abandoned and rough neighborhoods, clean them up, turn them into hip places to be and then....the “others” move in hordes.
I am an atheist. I don’t believe in any organized religion.
But the Christian beliefs heavily influence the state laws here.
Why are those laws applied to me, someone who does not believe in those laws, in this “land of all-encompassing freedom, equal rights and opportunity”? Equal rights? Do I have the same rights as a heterosexual does? Is this the America of modern times? Or, have we taken a U-turn for the dark ages?
The last few days have been challenging for the gay community in America.
They brought with them a passionate awakening.
The teen suicides and the brutal assaults right here in New York City drew attention.
Bogged down by the strife and challenges of daily lives, we had turned our backs to the dark shadow of hate that follows us everywhere.
People make remarks, we ignore it and move on with our lives.
Some of my closest friends have, unbeknownst to them, slipped and revealed their innermost revulsion for the gay lifestyle. I ignored it. Why make a scene, I would wonder. Looking at the bigger picture, I would value their friendship more than the hurtful remark they made. It is okay, don’t over-react, I would console myself and move on.
But is it really okay? A friend’s daughter informs us that it is very common in schools for kids to react with disdain and revulsion when anything “gay” is a topic of discussion. She attends one of the premier institutions of education in New York City. How are these kids embracing this message of hate at that young age? Who is handing down this flaming torch of hatred to their kids? What a disservice it is to the next generation to give the gift of hate.
The ugly face of hate-and-kill-the-gays is rising again it seems, but I wonder if it ever did go away? Political correctness may have pushed it, and many other social ills targeted at others who are faulted for being different, under water, however, it continues to breathe, it lurks just below the surface, ready to leap out and lunge.
I am gay.
I was born with a preference for a man, not a woman.
So I must be spat at, burned, beaten, bullied, sodomized and killed?
The logic is stunning.
Is it because I am gay or,....something deeper that lurks in the conscience of these haters? I wonder if by beating me to a pulp, they are truly beating their own demons that haunt them. If that is true, would these demons even exist if our society was more accepting and embracing of who we are?
Ever wondered why someone chooses to be in the proverbial closet? Why would anyone hide their true identity if it was socially acceptable?
Homosexuality is as old as the human race.
You can be white, black, jewish, arab, asian, christian, muslim, hindu, woman, man, child, adult, a parrot, a mouse or a pooch....
You can be any race, any color, any type, any species...and, you could still ALSO be gay.
Seriously, it is not a choice. We don’t choose this. We are born this way.
Quite like heterosexuality is not a choice, neither is homosexuality.
Heterosexuality is as normal or abnormal as homosexuality.
The only difference is, homosexuality has been the target of bad press from the beginning of time.
Acts of violence, brutality and killings will not erase homosexuality.
But then again, hate, fearing its own demise, has never been a friend of logic....