Sunday, November 14, 2010

10 Fascinating Facts About Turkeys

Did you know that turkeys communicate their emotions by way of color changes in the skin on their necks, faces and snoods (the flap of skin that hangs over the turkey's beak)? And that a turkey’s snood turns bright red when he is upset or during courtship? This is just one of the fascinating facts about America’s favorite holiday bird being revealed by Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s leading farm animal protection organization, just in time for Thanksgiving. Having rescued more than 1,000 turkeys since 1986 and provided lifelong care for hundreds at their two world-renowned shelters located in Watkins Glen, New York and Orland, California, the organization is recognized as a foremost expert on these sensitive, intelligent and thoroughly fascinating birds.

Those who don’t know a snood from a wattle (the flap of skin under the turkey's chin) are sure to be intrigued by the following little-known turkey facts:
  1. Turkeys recognize each other by their unique voices.
  1. Researchers have identified more than 20 distinct vocalizations in wild turkeys.
  1. Turkeys have excellent geography skills and can learn the specific details of an area of more than 1,000 acres.
  1. Like cats and dogs, turkeys are intelligent and sensitive animals who form strong social bonds and show great affection to others.
  1. On factory farms, turkeys frequently have the ends of their beaks and toes cut off without anesthesia — practices know as debeaking and detoeing — to prevent them from injuring one another as they are crowded by the thousands into dark, filthy warehouses.
  1. Between 1965 and 2000, the weight of the average turkey raised commercially in the U.S. increased by 57 percent, from an average of 18 pounds to an average of 28.2 pounds, causing commercially-bred turkeys to suffer from crippling foot and leg problems.
  1. Completely unlike their wild ancestors not only in terms of physique but also in hue, most commercial turkeys are totally white — the natural bronze color selectively bred out of them to eliminate uneven pigment colorations — because of consumer preference for even flesh tones.
  1. Also catering to consumer preferences for “white meat,” the industry has selectively bred turkeys to have abnormally large breasts. This anatomical manipulation makes it difficult for male turkeys to mount the females, eliminating these birds’ ability to reproduce naturally. As a result, artificial insemination is now the sole means of reproduction on factory farms, where breeder birds are confined for months on end.
  1. Turkeys, along with other poultry, are not protected by the federal Humane Slaughter Act, and are frequently killed without first being stunned.
  1. Every year, more than 46 million turkeys are killed for Thanksgiving holiday dinners, but it doesn’t have to be this way. If you think these birds are as incredible as we do, you can join talk show host and animal advocate Ellen DeGeneres, Farm Sanctuary’s 2010 Adopt-A-Turkey Project spokesperson, in starting a new tradition this year by adopting a turkey instead of eating. Visit for details or call the Turkey Adoption Hotline at 1-888-SPONSOR.

The Boys Of Randy Blue - Tribute To Kylie Minogue - Get Outta My Way

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

US Army "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Instructional Comic On Gays In Military

DADT: The Un-American Policy of the American Armed Forces

The above clip from the Maddow Show is.....HILARIOUS! Numbs the senses, though. You can not serve America's armed forces, if you are gay. But the heterosexuals can serve the armed forces and engage in rampant sexual acts while on duty. It is common knowledge that sexual abuse (between men and women) is not uncommon in the armed forces. THAT is OKAY, but a strapping, mentally and physically healthy, fit gay man or woman is UNFIT TO SERVE their own country simply because of their sexuality which is not a choice, but something natural they are born with. 

WOW! What a message this is to the gay kids who are contemplating suicide right now????  Isn't the message to them duplicitous and contradictory?  "It Gets Better"?  If a gay teenager today is aspiring to be in the armed forces, how does "it get better" for him/her?   What message is the American Armed Forces sending to the gay kids who are getting bullied at school???   The logic is stunningly lacking.  

DADT, implemented in the American Armed Forces, clearly discriminates against a certain section of the American people for absolutely no fault of their's.  But I thought this was America?  The land of Equal Opportunity and Rights for All.  Really?  But openly gay men and women are banned from serving in the armed forces.  Where is the "equality of opportunity and rights" in this policy???  The American Armed Forces, which should be the beacon of all things American, DOES NOT subscribe to Equal Opportunity and Rights for All and therefore, is clearly biased, discriminatory and.....Un-American.